martes, 25 de junio de 2019

My percussionist life

When I was a child I wanted to be an aviator of Chile armed forces, thats because with My  family Every year went to “fidae”, an exposition of airplanes with some trucks, shows, everything. Since then everything has change but to be honest I dont pass to many “profesions “, I wanted to be aviator, medic , vet, and musician. I know that people think all of this dont have any conection, but for me all of this areas have sense, and some magic relation. Why study percussion and not other area that give to me some work stability? I don't know really, but when I listen and play music all my body react to that stimulation and my mind travel for many places, like a drug, and I want to share that sensation with many people also the true meaning of work. My experience in the university is a love-hate-love relation, but in this moment I learned many things so i feel satisfied. In the future I would like to become a percussionist, maybe play in an orchestra or group, be a teacher and share this with all the people.

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